November’s theme is Sometimes Everything is Going Wrong for the Right Reasons, paired with the Horizon breath which highlights the power of the breath to overcome hesitation and connect you with your truth.
OM is the sound of creation. It is an ancient, sacred sound and symbol found in Hinduism, Buddhism, and many other religions. It is believed Aum (OM) became Amen in Christianity and Judaism and Amin in Islam. It is unifying and universal, it is for everyone.
Physiologically, OM stimulates the vagus nerve and re-sets your entire nervous system to calm. Spiritually, the OM breath connects you to the Truth that you are one with God. By practicing the OM, you can access your most life-giving, life-supporting, and life-sustaining action steps especially when everything seems to be going wrong.
In those moments, it is helpful to act from an understanding that everything in our life is for us, not against us. When we move through our day from this foundation it can help wake us up to the next level of ourselves. We suddenly remember how innately powerful and loving we are. OM can help us collapse the yo-yoing polarities within us and help us find our peaceful present moment, the place where truth and freedom reside.
Find the description and supportive resources for the Horizon breath HERE.
The wisdom found within the teachings of the Holy Womb Chakra and the healing available in the sessions I offer can support you in finding your faith in God and overcoming hesitation and connecting to your Truth. Read more about the Holy Womb Chakra healing work, HERE.