October’s theme is This Could Be the Day You Stop Doing That Self-Destructive Thing You Do, paired with the Furnace breath which highlights the power of the breath to remove the hidden obstacles that prevent progress.
Acknowledging them is a ginormous step so please give yourself a pat on the back when you find the courage to do that. The cherry on top of self-destructive tendencies is the shame and blame we may feel about them. Shame and blame add a tremendous weight to an already incredibly heavy burden. Let’s give ourselves permission to relinquish the weight of shame and blame. Let’s lay them down and slowly step away from them like people in cop shows do when they step away from dangerous weapons. In truth, shame and blame are dangerous weapons.
Now that we’ve done that, let’s turn our attention to addictions. Addictions are nothing more than incomplete coping mechanisms designed to help us feel safer in a world that can be very hard to navigate. A world that can feel completely unsafe to be in. Addictions are a sign that your nervous system is overstimulated and in need of more love.
One framework for viewing these incomplete coping mechanisms is found in Whatever Arises, Love That by Matt Kahn. In it, he describes the overstimulated nervous system developing inflammations of: Righteousness, Victimization, Entitlement, and Neediness.
Take a deep breath and remember as humans we all embody combinations of these inflammations. We also flow in and out of them like clouds moving through the sky. Within each aspect of inflammation, there is always a kernel of truth. Self-destructive tendencies can seep in when your nervous system stays overstimulated for long periods of time. This month’s breath can help you bring it down a notch or two and help you remember that in every moment you deserve more love, not less.
Find the description and supportive resources for the Furnace breath HERE.
The wisdom found within the teachings of the Holy Womb Chakra and the healing available in the sessions I offer can support you in removing hidden obstacles that prevent progress. Read more about the Holy Womb Chakra healing work, HERE.