July’s theme is Your Brain Speaks Total Fuckery Unless You Turn Your Soul On paired with the Pendulum breath which highlights the power of the breath to balance the inner and outer worlds.
The suppression, censorship, and twisting of knowledge is the main life challenge all of us are facing in our lives right now whether we are aware of it or not. I am struggling to find the humor in it, instead I find myself in various stages of grief fairly often right now.
However, I know that I can breathe through all things and find relief and support. The most important skill for all of us to develop right now is discernment in hearing, encouraging and trusting our inner God guidance. That is why I am so grateful this breath landed on this month. It is a powerful tool. Please practice it as much as you can, it will help ignite your soul power to see the fuckery around and within you and lovingly say no, I do not consent to fuckery in any shape or form.
Find the description and supportive resources for the Pendulum breath HERE.
The wisdom found within the teachings of the Holy Womb Chakra and the healing available in the sessions I offer can support you in balancing your inner and outer worlds. Read more about the Holy Womb Chakra healing work, HERE.