December's theme is You Are Not Required to Set Yourself on Fire to Keep Other People Warm, paired with the Release breath which highlights the power of the breath to release you.
To my way of thinking, this is the time of year to realize that you are needed, you are important, and you matter. You can and need to put yourself first. You deserve your own attention first. It is only once you are full-up and overflowing that can you give freely to others. This is how precious you are.
I am sure this is a law of physics as well as being spiritual law that needs to be taught in school.
Only when you have enough reserve to give to others can you extend your service into the world knowing that others are needed, others are important, and others matter too. You cannot help others without helping yourself first. This is how you create a fire that gathers other people to you in community instead of creating a fire that consumes you to keep other people warm, no self-sacrifice necessary.
I am sure this is a law of physics as well as being spiritual law that needs to be taught in school.
Please remember to ask yourself what you need first, to act on what you need first, and to give to yourself first. You can give to others with your whole heart once you are full-up and overflowing. It is from this place that you can both let go and be released.
This month’s breath will allow you to relax completely, a gift of self-care during these Holy-Days. Repeat as often as you need to during what can be a crazy-making time of year. Please put yourself first and create “peace on earth” where you live, in your very own home, as you prepare for 2022!
Find the description and supportive resources for the Release breath HERE.
The wisdom found within the teachings of the Holy Womb Chakra and the healing available in the sessions I offer can support you in releasing yourself. Read more about the Holy Womb Chakra healing work HERE.