We prepared our space and sat in meditation with one another. We asked, “How can we serve Mother Earth today?”
We received that Mother Earth asks us to honor the landscape of Charleston, to know that it is intricately connected to the ancient land of Egypt in its frequency. Not only in the birds that inhabit both places, but also in the water composition and the flow of the water around the land. The water here holds much life force for the Earth and also for the People who live in this area.
Mother Earth feels it is imperative at this time for us to focus on purifying and cleansing the Water sources through our actions and our Love for one another and also for ourselves. She tells us that simply by sending Her Love in our thoughts and prayers every day, we can work together to cleanse the waterways here.
Mother Earth asks that we manifest Love for every creature and find Compassion for all of these creatures as connected to each other so we can find greater connection to all Humans. Pray that we find Love and Peace to transcend all differences and prejudices and frameworks that we think in. Remove all of these perceptions so that we can just Love one another.
Mother Earth asks that we send Love to her and the surrounding area to lift the stain of oppression. Take a moment every day to send Love, Light and Compassion to lift this. This oppression has been concentrated here for far too long. To take Joy in the sun, in the grey, in being in the present moment. To send that Joy from your Heart to the Earth so that She may be healed, lifted and filled with Light.
As we send Love to Mother Earth, we are lifting a blanket of divisiveness and oppression that can be felt here. We are setting our intention to lift this blanket by thinning it, making it threadbare and then seeing it burned into nothingness as we Love the Earth and each other.
It is a New Day and a New Dawn in Charleston. Every moment, every thought, every prayer helps to dissolve this blanket of oppression.
We are each committed to doing our part. We allow it to be done with an ease-fullness, believing that once we hit a tipping point it will be easy to see each other and connect with one another. We affirm that it is not complicated and it is already so. We ask for all of our eyes to be open to see how to practice this each day.
We see it, we hear it, we feel it, as if it is already complete.
We offer the energy of connectedness and completion to the Water and send thankfulness and gratitude to Mother Earth for her messages to us today. We affirm that the highest good of All or better is served in this.
It is so.