Sovereignty promotes nourishment and self-care in all of its forms including enjoying good food, resting, creating opportunities for bountiful play and having meaningful relationships with others. Sovereignty allows your highest wisdom and insight to guide you, naturally. When we come from a place of sovereignty, it allows us to reclaim our power. Only then can we weave the most beautiful tapestry of our humanity, together.
It is wonderfully described in Nancy Elizabeth Wallace’s book Rabbit’s Bedtime. This bedtime story describes how within the course of a day, “There was time to work, and time to play. Time to dance, and time to sing. Time to make a special thing. Time to laugh and time to giggle. Time with others. Time alone. Time to nurture seeds I’ve sown.” What a perfect recipe for sovereignty!
We have a God-given system in place to help us energetically declare our sovereignty. It’s the energetic boundary of our personal territory and it’s called our aura. Our aura contains a wealth of information and is also a sort of security system that goes into high alert when our boundaries are encroached upon or downright blown past. We can access the information our aura holds for us in many different ways, including through our emotions. When you’re feeling out of sorts or that your boundaries are not being respected, try this visualization exercise. It may help you declare your sovereignty in a more empowered way.
Visualization Exercise
Sit in a quiet place. Take a few deep breaths and ground yourself. Picture your aura surrounding you as an oblong bubble that you are at the center of. It radiates out from you, about 3 feet in every direction. Picture it as a golden color or any other color that feels good to you. Picture it pulsing out in time and space as you say, “I declare my sovereignty, I declare my sovereignty.” Repeat for any length of time that feels good to you, as often as you like.
I’d love to hear how this sovereignty visualization exercise is working in your life. If you have any observations you’d like to share or would like to explore this idea further through an individual Reconnective Healing session with me, contact me at [email protected].
Yours in Sove-reign-ty,