March’s theme is Be the person you needed when you were a kid paired with the Emptiness breath which highlights the power of the breath to fill you with radiance and strength.
When we are children and dependent on others for our very survival, it is the most vulnerable time of our lives. We literally have no control over what happens to us as we enter this world in a state of surrender as children of God who experience things we don’t know how to process.
The God-spark we bring with us into the world is the innocence within, it is true and ever-present no matter what we experience in our lives. Our power and radiance returns to us fully when we understand and know we are complete within ourselves, regardless of what is happening outside of us. The most important task we have in this lifetime is to protect and nurture the light within each one of us.
The most sure-fire way I've discovered to be the person I needed as a child is to be the person I need now. I hold the wisdom of this message within me as, “Cherish Your Innocence.” Some prompts I have found particularly helpful for nurturing myself and others when upsetting things happen is:
I’m sorry that happened to you, tell me all about it.
How can I support you?